Monday, 2 December 2013

Unable to deactivate and delete sandbox solution: Unable to access web scoped feature

Get 'Unable to access web scoped feature ...' when trying to deactivate a solution. (Sandbox)

This is mainly happening for list/ site templates and the reason is that there are some lists/sites which has been created using that solution and now been deleted and still in the Recycle bin. 

Solution is to Empty the Recycle bin. 

SharePoint 2010: Error exporting the list named "Posts" at the URL: Lists/Posts

This is something I came across while trying to save a Blog/ Discussion forum as a template. This template has gone through several revisions and this is the first time that I came across the error.

I tried following solutions which I found on the web.

However, NONE of those has worked for me and ended up creating a new Blog site from the default template and redoing the custom changes.
So, if you come across the same error, better trying following two solutions and if didn't work, go back to recreating from the base.

4) Save as site template SharePoint 2010 Blog.
The Problem
When trying to save blog as site template the posts list appear 5 times in the site as 5 different views.
The Solution
The workaround that Manas found is:
a) Navigate to “View all site content “.
b) Select one of the “Posts” >>navigate to its “List settings” .
c) Further go down into “My  Posts” List and select the option “Make this as default view “.
d) now you would see only one “Posts” list.
5) Getting “Error exporting the list named “Announcements” at the URL: Lists/Announcements” error when trying to save as site template.
The Problem
When creating a site as web template and then creating sub sites which you wish to save as a web template you receive the following error “Error exporting the list named “Announcements” at the URL: Lists/Announcements”.
The Solution
As posted by Jonathan Adams in this great post
Run the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell as Administrator.  Run the following command to disable the default content type feature:
Disable-SPFeature –Identity ctypes –url http://SiteCollection
Then enable the content type feature:
Enable-SPFeature –Identity ctypes –url http://SiteCollection
Try saving the subsite as a template again, it should succeed.